Commercial Stair Cases

Bespoke Designs

Our Commercial Staircase Services

At POS Engineering we specialise in custom designed metal staircases for interior and exterior spaces. Staircases serve two purposes. Firstly, they must be functional, safe and secure, to avoid the risk of accident and injury to users. Secondly – especially when inside a building or public facing – they must be comfortable to use, conveniently laid out and visually appealing.

Our designs achieve both these criteria, within the demands of your project brief. No matter what the application, we take pride in our design and craftsmanship to ensure each staircase delivers safety, functionality and aesthetic appeal.

  • Architectural staircases – relatively small constructions designed primarily for their aesthetic appearance
  • External staircases – widely used in commercial and industrial buildings, which may include fire escapes, hoop ladders and other safety features.
  • Indoor commercial staircases – functional and attractive structures designed for heavy usage
  • Helical and spiral staircases – ideal for steep ascents or confined stairwells
  • Straight staircases – which may include landings and turns.
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